10 tips to be more productive at work and in life

How many times have you felt that the day was escaping from your hands? Do you lack hours for all the tasks you have or want to do? That feeling is over. Although our lifestyle may be against the clock, there are ways to face a new day so that there is time for everything, or at least so that 24 hours last longer.

How to be more productive in 10 steps

Dream. your day does not start when the alarm goes off -yes, the one that you have to turn off only once and not fifteen-, but when you go to bed. We would all love to watch series until dawn, but as time goes by, we feel worse and worse being night owls. What does this mean? That although the ideal would be to rest 8 hours, we should at least try to make it 7. This will make us arrive the next day more rested and without feeling exhausted.

Breakfast. once the infernal whistle has sounded and we are on our feet, there is no choice: you have to eat breakfast. Yes, it is the most important meal of the day, because it helps your brain get in shape, digestion and incidentally not to snack between meals. This will make you more productive because it will keep your stomach in perfect condition and your energy will start at home.

Self motivation Well, the most important thing is to be on top of what you are going to do during the day. It may be that you are not developing your life’s work, that it is a dog’s time or that you are not going through a personal stage in which you are comfortable, but daily self-motivation is necessary. After all, you live with yourself all day. Positive affirmations and the desire for the hours you are awake to be beneficial for you can help you live happier and more fulfilled.

Attitude. Not everyone is capable of seeing the glass as half full, but this positive attitude can do much more for our brain than we think a priori. If we see an opportunity in every stumble and don’t get overwhelmed with every daily minutiae, productivity can multiply. The art of complaining to get things is very different from complaining just for relief. This diminishes the capacities and means that in the end we do not produce anything in any aspect.

Priorities. both in work and in life, priorities are what matters most. Separating the urgent from the important can help us know where to spend the most energy.

Distractions. not only the mobile is a distraction. Social networks are the biggest procrastination of our time. It does not mean that you can never look at them, but rather that you know when to do so. If you have to do work things, put them aside. If you are spending time with your loved ones, it may be better to put away the smartphone.

Breaks. not everything in life is thinking about ‘doing’. Sometimes the brain needs a truce. Disconnect, go to that mental place where you live on an island paradise and lose yourself for a few seconds. It will help you recharge your batteries at work and also in your personal life, because we all need a ‘break’ from time to time. If you get used to having your plot of mental pleasure, you will be more productive every day and that will help you to be happier.

Reality. you may have woken up wanting to conquer the world at all levels, and then the hours and exhaustion end up beating you. Don’t worry, it’s normal. So that this doesn’t turn into constant frustration and a feeling of ‘I’m not getting anywhere’ or ‘life doesn’t give me’, then you have to set normal expectations for yourself, those that you can assume and that are not enormous.

Separation _ Separating personal life from professional life is necessary every time you find yourself in one of these two areas. If you are working, it is difficult to disconnect from the fact that you are a person, but if you constantly think about what you have to buy for home, about your plans as soon as you cross the office door, or about what you will do in the summer, you will rarely be able to achieve what you want. Your bosses sue you. The same happens if you are spending time with your partner, your friends or your family and you do not stop updating your email.

Time for you. But above all, remember that you are the most important thing in your life. Reserve a few minutes to do what you like: sports, movies, a book, or simply look at nothing and imagine your life when you win the lottery. If you want the day to give of itself, then the person who carries it out -you- has to be in perfect condition.

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