7 Organs You Don’t Need To Live: You’ll Be Surprised!

When a baby comes into the world, the main concern of parents and doctors is that the baby is fully formed and has all the vital organs to develop. Throughout life, some of these organs deteriorate or stop working, causing problems in the body. Some of them, strange as it may sound, do not affect health and allow the person to continue with his life as normal. Do you want to know the 7 organs that you do not need to live

How could I live without these organs? 

Spleen, stomach or kidneys are some of the organs that the human being can do without. First of all, it should be noted that it is not that he does not need them but, in the event that they stop being active for whatever reason, the person can continue with a comfortable and pleasant life. And it is that the body is wiser than we imagine. Did you know, for example, that every time you donate blood you lose 3.5 trillion red blood cells, but your body quickly replaces them? These are some of the “vital organs” that we possess.


Located behind the stomach and below the diaphragm, it usually has a size of 13 centimeters in length and a width of 8.5. Its weight varies depending on the person, but ranges between approximately 100 and 250 grams. What are the functions of this organ that is included in the “non-vital” list? Its work focuses on the storage and recycling of red blood cells and the storage of white blood cells and platelets. You can live without it because the liver would perform its role, although it may be that you suffer more infections.


Surprising to imagine a life without a stomach, right? In fact, many more people than we think survive without this organ. This is possible if a junction occurs between the esophagus and the small intestine. After recovery from this operation and with the intake of vitamin supplements, a person can continue with his life with some normality. Generally, this organ is removed because it has been affected by diseases such as cancer.


Humans usually have two kidneys, but you can really live with one. There are even people who have lost both and with the help of dialysis can continue with their lives. The role of the kidneys is to filter the blood to maintain the balance of water and electrolytes, as well as the acid-base balance. But perhaps more important is its work to clean the body and eliminate what we do not need (urine). You might have to lead a slightly more restricted life, but that wouldn’t stop you from reaching your 100th birthday.


How many people do you know who have been operated on for appendicitis, a disease that manifests itself in people between the ages of 10 and 30? A ten, five tens, a hundred…? Do you notice something strange in them? Probably nothing, because even if this organ has been removed, you can live without any health problems. It is located on the right side of the abdomen and its function is not very clear to doctors.

Reproductive organs

You can live without reproductive organs -men, testicles, and women, ovaries- and it’s most immediate consequence would be the impossibility of reproducing. In the case of having, for example in the male case, a single testicle or a single ovary for women, this does not mean that one cannot have children. The removal of the prostate and uterus is usually associated with cancer and, in the case of women, it is an intervention called a hysterectomy, which also involves stopping the menstrual cycle. 


The colon (or large intestine) is a tube that is about six feet long. Among its most outstanding functions is that of reabsorbing water and preparing the feces by compacting them together. The presence of cancer or other diseases causes doctors to recommend its total removal (the colon is made up of four parts: ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid) or partial removal without major complications than following a soft diet for a speedy recovery.


The gallbladder has a very important function for the proper functioning of our body: correctly process food and store bile that helps break down fats. When gallstones appear in the gallbladder caused by excess cholesterol and, therefore, severe pain arises in the upper part of the abdomen that prevents it from functioning properly, it is necessary to remove it (this operation is known as cholecystectomy). With a personalized diet you can live peacefully without a gallbladder.

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