The so-called Bartholin’s cyst or abscess is a common ailment of the reproductive system in women, most frequently between 20 and 29 years of age. They can be a problem when having sex, but they are not serious.
It is estimated that 2% of women have suffered at some time in their lives from inflammation of one of the two Bartholin glands, located on the labia, which gives rise to this cyst.
Causes of Bartholin’s cyst
- Bartholin’s glands are located between the labia minora and the vaginal wall, and their function is to lubricate the area. The cyst appears when the orifice of the gland is clogged and the escape of the natural lubricant is prevented. A painful swelling of the area will then occur, which may be accompanied by an infection. The lump can reach 5 centimeters thick.
- There is no single reason for the appearance of the abscess. According to experts, it can intervene from the use of tight underwear to the effects of hormonal contraceptives and stress.
Bartholin’s cyst symptoms
- In general, these types of cysts are asymptomatic, but on some occasions it can become infected. The most common symptoms are pain in the area, especially when having sex, discomfort when walking or sitting, and fever.
- When making the diagnosis, the specialist will look for the existence of a bacterial infection and even, in elderly women, an analysis of the fluid that drains from the abscess will be ordered to rule out a tumor, although it is very rare.
Bartholin’s cyst treatment
- These types of ailments are cured by taking antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and analgesics, always under a prescription. On other occasions the swelling itself causes the rupture of the skin and the cyst drains on its own.
- In the most advanced cases, a catheter can be used that will be placed in the area for 2 or 4 weeks, and that does not prevent us from leading a normal life.