Burns on the tongue: how to relieve pain and irritation

Burns on the tongue can become a real nuisance. On many occasions, we have not been able to avoid eating food or drink that is too hot and we have ended up with the occasional burn on the surface of the tongue or in the area of ​​the palate.

Whether it’s with a coffee, a steaming soup or a freshly prepared dish, hunger or carelessness can play a trick on us and leave us with an irritated tongue for a few days.

Burns on the tongue

  • In general, minor burns on the tongue usually appear with redness of the affected area, a tingling sensation, pain, and loss of sensation.
  • There are multiple remedies to soothe discomfort and prevent these injuries from preventing us from enjoying the food and drink that we like the most.

Home remedies against burnt tongue 

  • One of the tips that dentists and dentists usually give to heal mouth sores is rinsing with salt water, as it helps to heal ulcers and prevents infections.
  • You will only have to dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse for about 30 seconds. This remedy will serve you both for burns on the tongue and for wounds from bites or from the use of orthodontics.

Cold for the burnt tongue

  • The cold can soothe the burning sensation on the tongue. Just as we use this sensation to heal burns in other areas, we can also do it with burns in the mouth.
  • Drinking cold drinks or keeping the tongue under a low-temperature stream of water can soothe the pain and irritation of the tongue during the days that this discomfort persists.

Sweeten tongue burns

  • An immediate relief from a burn on the tongue is to apply a few grains of sugar to the affected area and press against the palate until it dissolves. You can also use honey or yogurt.
  • As usual, the best way to combat this problem is prevention. For this, it is not only essential to be careful when eating hot food or drinks, but also to maintain adequate hydration of the mouth.

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