
Sugar-free gum, a dangerous method to lose weight

Sugar-free chewing gums have been the subject of controversy due to the effects they produce on health, due to their sugar substitute components. The presence of sweetener additives among its ingredients can cause more harm than good, especially if it is consumed excessively. Among the most used in its preparation are sorbitol and sorbitol syrup, manifold or xylitol. Gum to lose weight Usually these

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Sitting shortens life: the risks of a sedentary life

Nowadays, a sedentary lifestyle prevails and this is something that we will have to modify. According to a study carried out, if we reduce the time we spend sitting down to 3 hours, we will be increasing our life expectancy by 3 more years. The same study states that we would live 1.4 years longer if we manage to watch television

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