
Muscle contractures: how to treat this common discomfort

Muscle contractures are a very common health problem that affects a high percentage of the population and a wide spectrum, from athletes to the elderly. But what are they and how are they treated? Contractures occur when there is a prolonged contraction of a muscle, which remains so even when it is at rest. This causes the appearance of pain in the affected area. The […]

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Most frequent injuries and traumas after a car accident

Traffic accidents are cause for concern for health authorities and for society as a whole. According to the World Health Organization, this problem has positioned itself as the eighth cause of death on a planetary level, with more than a million people dying on the road each year. The figures for traffic accidents are very alarming. The WHO recorded 3,500 daily

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Not taking medicines well and treatment failures

Important advice if you are one of the many others who need to take a series of medications to maintain or restore good health. Many of the treatment failures are precisely due to non-compliance with the treatments. It is very important to remember that: Do not forget any dose. Have good communication with your doctor. Errors in compliance with

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Ingrown Toenails: Causes, Dangers, and Treatment

An ingrown toenail is the discomfort that appears on the skin surrounding the nails due to inadequate nail growth. It appears more frequently on the feet, and causes pain, inflammation and, in some cases, an infection in the area. In general, the nail tends to incarnate on the side of the finger, although there are cases in which it incarnates on

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Deafness and hearing impairment: prevention and treatments

Hearing loss is a problem that affects more and more people. One only has to see how establishments that treat hearing problems proliferate in our cities, including the efforts of advertising campaigns so that we take more account of a condition that in many cases can be treated. According to the WHO, some 275 million people in the

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Bipolar disorder: what it is, causes, symptoms, treatment and precautions

Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric illness characterized by alternating opposite moods in very short periods of time. People who suffer from it (Mariah Carey is the last famous person to admit that she suffers from this disease) can go from states of mania to the deepest depression in a very short time and in processes that are usually cyclical. It is a disease

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Medicines that will have to be paid for: goodbye Social Security

There is no turning back. Since September 1, and not since mid-August as originally announced, going to the Pharmacy for regular medications and paying a small part of their total cost is over. The BOE has just published the list of drugs that from then on will be excluded from public financing ; that is to say, the cost

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Folliculitis, a skin condition: causes, prevention and treatment

Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles, the area of ​​the skin from which hair grows. It can appear in any area of ​​the body, although they are more common on the face, neck, thighs or buttocks. It is a very common condition, especially in young people, and it can be quite annoying, if it causes pain, and even uncomfortable or

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Acupuncture: origin and benefits of an ancient science

Acupuncture is one of the most widely used alternative therapies in recent times to restore health or fight various types of addictions. It is a traditional medical therapy originating in China that consists of inserting needles into different points of the body for health purposes. What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is a treatment influenced by Chinese philosophy, which views the world as a whole related

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