Did you know that kissing is good for health?

There is nothing more beautiful and romantic in this world than a love kiss between two people who love each other. Through these kisses, two people communicate and show the feeling of love that exists for each other. But in addition to certain emotional benefits, kissing has a number of other health benefits

5 benefits of kissing for health

  • Improves blood pressure. Kissing helps to show certain types of emotions, but it also helps to exercise physically. The person you kiss causes a certain increase in your heartbeat, helping to lower your blood pressure. Kissing on a regular basis causes dilation in the blood vessels and, consequently, good blood circulation.
  • It causes happiness. Kissing fervently causes an increase in the production of hormones in the body, such as dopamine or serotonin. These substances make you much happier than normal and feel a pleasant state that is really worth it.
  • Increases self-esteem. Some studies have shown that people who receive a kiss from their half partner have much higher self-esteem and, therefore, are much more productive in all areas of life. It is essential to feel loved and wanted, since in this way the energy flows much more throughout the body.
  • Rejuvenates. If you want to forget about the dreaded wrinkles and want to boast of a totally young and smooth skin, you just have to kiss a lot more. Various studies have shown that when kissing, many muscles are toned, making the skin in perfect condition.
  • Burn calories. Although at first it may seem meaningless, it has been proven that kissing can get some calories. A passionate kiss with feeling can burn up to 15 caloriesIn this way it is totally advisable to kiss continuously and habitually with the person you love.
  • Remember that today is world first kiss day and what better time than to enumerate the health benefits of kissing regularly. Remember that there is nothing more beautiful and wonderful than being able to feel your partner’s lips on yours and give each other love in a mutual way.

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