Dry eyes: causes and remedies

Eye problems are more frequent than we think because many times we do not provide our eyes with the care they need. A diet rich in Vitamin E is essential to maintain eye health, but there are many factors that can damage our vision. The increasingly frequent use of computers is increasing sight problems and prolonged exposure to the sun without proper protection can also damage our eyes. In addition, it is a part that is especially sensitive to external aggressions, which is why it is important to take extreme care.

Dry eye syndrome

The most common eye condition is dry eye syndrome, which affects 20% of the population. It occurs when the production of tears that keep the eyes protected and lubricated is reduced. Sometimes the tear glands, which are located on the eyelids, do not produce enough tears, which causes itchy, dry, red and irritated eyes.

Other times the opposite occurs and we find ourselves with watery eyes, but this situation can also be caused by dry eye syndrome. And it is necessary to differentiate between two types of tears. Lubricant tears, which are what keep the eye moist and fight infection, and reflex tears, which appear in response to external aggression or irritation. Therefore, contrary to what one may think, the reduction in the production of lubricating tears can cause the activation of reflex tears.

Causes of dry eye syndrome

  • Dry eye syndrome can occur for different reasons. It can appear as a consequence of the natural aging process, which considerably reduces tear production. Hormonal changes derived from menopause, pregnancy or some contraceptives can also cause the appearance of dry eye syndrome. Likewise, environmental factors influence, such as exposure of the eyes to environments with smoke, wind, sun or environmental pollutionBut the main causes that prevent the production of tears is the use of contact lenses and laser eye surgeries.
  • Among the common treatments to relieve the symptoms of dry eyes is the use of artificial tears several times a day. But in the most difficult cases the use of so-called “spun occludes” can be recommended. These are small plugs that block the lacrimal point, that is, the drainage duct that eliminates tears. By blocking these ducts, which are located in the inner corner of each eye, tears are prevented from draining quickly so they stay longer on the surface of the eye.
  • Punctual occludes are made of flexible silicone and go completely unnoticed. In addition, its placement, always by professionals, does not imply risks, which is why it is a simple, fast and painless procedure that can become the ideal solution for the problem of dry eyes.

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