False myths and legends: true or false?

Myths and legends are popular beliefs that have been passed from generation to generation thanks to verbal communication. Tradition is what prevails in these cases, the common: “my grandmother did it like this”, even if it was wrong or not the best for health, for example. There are myths and legends about every possible topic that encompasses our society, from myths about food to myths about relationships and sex.

But not all myths and legends are reliable, since many are false and can create serious problems for us. In this way, we have to be careful with what we listen to, read or tell us about topics as delicate as food or our own health as a whole. If we want to lose weight or find out which foods are best for obtaining vitamin C, for example, it is best to go to a specialist who can explain to us well and accurately what is best and what is worst.

False myths about food

Food is something very delicate that we cannot treat lightly. Many times we will have heard the phrase: “we are what we eat” and so it is. If our diet is full of fat, we will not be able to have a slim and perfect body, for example. In this way, we have to be very careful with the myths and legends about food or diets that reach our ears. We disassemble some of the most common and totally false:

-Light products are fattening, these products are reduced in some of their components: fats, sugars or salts, but this does not mean that we can eat as much as we want, since everything in abundance is fattening, even light products.

-Vitamin C prevents colds: false. What a good orange juice does is increase our defenses, but this does not mean that we are 100% immune to colds.

False health myths

Health is what human beings should have the best that is why we cannot trust everything they tell us about health, since we could end up making ours worse. There are countless false myths about this nature, such as that women do not suffer heart attacks. This is not true, women after menopause are at the same level as men when it comes to being able to suffer heart attacks, what happens is that the hormonal factor protects them more.

False myths and legends about relationships

Regarding everything, there is some myth or legend that by word of mouth has finally reached our ears. Relationships as a couple and individual sexual relationships have an infinite number of them, we will hear some of them many times, but for that reason we do not have to pay attention to them. It is very common to hear that men need more sex than women, this is totally false. Both women and men are able to fully enjoy this need, although there are always exceptions.

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