Folliculitis, a skin condition: causes, prevention and treatment

Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles, the area of ​​the skin from which hair grows. It can appear in any area of ​​the body, although they are more common on the face, neck, thighs or buttocks.

It is a very common condition, especially in young people, and it can be quite annoying, if it causes pain, and even uncomfortable or embarrassing, depending on the degree and the area in which it appears.

Causes of folliculitis

  • Swelling of the hair follicles is commonly due to an infection with Staphylococcus aurous bacteria, and results in a type of folliculitis called staphylococcal folliculitis.
  • It can also arise due to the action of yeasts, which cause an infection similar to acne, or due to the appearance of fungi. The latter causes fungal folliculitis and is contagious.
  • But in addition to the action of microorganisms and pathogens, inflammation can also arise from damage to the follicles, for example due to the use of tight clothing or bandages, shaving and hair removal, or due to clogging of the same.

Folliculitis Treatment

According to the dermatologist Gabriel Serrano from the Serrano Dermatological Clinic in Valencia, the best way to end folliculitis is to act on the agent that causes it.

In general, cleaning treatments with antibacterial or antifungal products are used in the mildest cases, which are the most common. In the most serious situations, these drugs can be combined with oral antibiotics or antifungals. Antihistamines for inflammation and itching are also frequent, according to the expert.

Tips to prevent folliculitis

  • It is highly recommended to maintain daily skin hygiene, as well as clothing to avoid infections that give rise to folliculitis. Also, if you frequently suffer from this problem, specialists advise wearing loose clothing. 
  • You should also avoid using very greasy products on the skin and be careful when shaving and waxing, so as not to cause damage to the follicles.

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