Foods rich in keratin and collagen

There are two types of proteins that are found in your body and that you should not neglect if you want to maintain young and elastic skin. Over the years, collagen production decreases, resulting in the appearance of the first wrinkles and signs of skin aging. Apart from physical care, a diet rich in the production of collagen and kertatin will help you to have smooth and firm skin.

Foods rich in keratin and collagen for your body 

Garlic.  This food is a rich source of sulfur, necessary to produce collagen throughout the body. In addition, it contains large amounts of lipoic acid that helps rebuild damaged collagen fibers. For all these reasons, it is advisable that you add garlic to your daily diet.

Tomato. Tomato is a food with many health benefits. It is rich in lycopene, which helps to strengthen the amount of collagen in the body. You can take it natural, in a stew or make your own homemade tomato sauce.

Green leafy vegetables. These foods are rich in numerous nutrients, so they cannot be missing from your daily diet. In addition to this, its intake helps the production of collagen in the skin. Do not forget to take spinach, asparagus or lettuce and your skin will not suffer the signs of aging and wrinkles will not be a problem.

Foods in omega 3.  Omega 3 is a very healthy fatty acid for health. This type of healthy fat is perfect for smooth, youthful, and elastic skin. Omega 3 is found above all in fish such as salmon, tuna or mackerel.

Red fruits and vegetables.  Other than tomatoes, red colored fruits and vegetables are great sources of lycopene. That is why foods such as beets or red peppers cannot be missing from your diet and promote the production of collagen in the skin. If this were not enough, they are very rich in antioxidants, which helps delay the premature signs of aging.  

Soy. Soy-based products contain Einstein, a substance that aids in the production of collagen in the skin and fights against aging in the skin. A glass of soy milk at breakfast is perfect for smooth, healthy skin.

Do not forget to include these foods in your healthy and balanced diet and you will have enough collagen and keratin in your skin.

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