Foods that constipate: learn to avoid them

Constipation is a taboo subject in today’s society and nobody likes to talk about it, although many people often suffer from this digestive problem. Constipation can be caused by several factors, from little physical exercise, a life that is too stressed or by a bad and poor diet based on fats and lack of fiber. Next I am going to show you which are the foods that you should avoid at all costs so that you do not have constipation problems.

Foods that cause constipation

Milk. Being a product high in fat and containing lactose, it usually causes gas and some stomach discomfort, which is why it is very harmful for those who suffer from constipation.

Red meat. This type of food has a low amount of fiber and a lot of fat, so its digestion turns out to be somewhat complicated. In addition to this, it contains protein fibers that are difficult for the body to digest.

Cheese. As with milk, cheese is a food with a lot of fat and contains lactose, so it is prohibited for people who suffer from constipation.

Caffeine. If you are used to drinking coffee and suffer from constipation, you should avoid drinking caffeine as its intake often causes dehydration, which causes constipation.

Fried. Fried foods, in addition to not being healthy for the body at all, have high amounts of fat, which will cause digestion to slow down.

Sugar. Foods rich in sugar such as cakes, biscuits or cookies usually contain a large amount of fat and very little fiber, so it is not convenient to include it in your daily diet.

Eggs. According to experts in the field, a high consumption of eggs in the daily diet causes constipation problems.

Chocolate. It is a food to be avoided at all costs by constipated people since apart from having a high fat content, it may also contain some caffeine and cause dehydration.

These are some of the foods that you should exclude for now from your regular diet if you want to end your severe constipation problems. Once you overcome these digestive problems, you can eat them again but always in moderation and without abusing.

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