Foods that take away sleep: how to avoid insomnia

Food plays a very important role when it comes to resting and sleeping perfectly. There are foods that help you fall asleep and others that contribute to insomnia. If you suffer from this problem and have difficulty sleeping, you should avoid eating a series of foods and thus rest in a more pleasant way.

Foods that take away sleep: how to avoid insomnia 

  • The caffeine. One of the causes of insomnia is caffeine intake. This substance is a psychoactive stimulant that keeps the central nervous system awake and prevents you from sleeping perfectly. Experts advise against taking caffeinated products for at least 8 hours before going to bed. In addition to this, caffeine is a great natural diuretic, so its intake will force you to urinate a few times during the night.
  • Sugar and sweetenersProducts with sugar cause a large increase in blood glucose levels. This causes a greater excess of energy in the body, which makes the desire to sleep disappear. It is totally forbidden to consume soft drinks before going to sleep due to their high sugar and sweetener content.
  • Fats. Foods with a lot of fat take much longer for the body to digest completely. If your stomach is working, it is more difficult to fall asleep.
  • Protein-rich foodsYou should avoid eating this type of food before going to sleep, they negatively affect the digestive process and it is more difficult to rest and sleep.
  • Spicy foods. The intake of these types of foods usually cause gastrointestinal discomfort that is usually the main cause of insomnia in many people. Avoid these types of foods and replace them with lighter ones.
  • Alcohol. Alcohol is a central nervous system stimulant. Drinking alcohol before going to sleep will make you drowsy and will hurt you at bedtime.
  • These are some of the foods that you should avoid before going to sleep and in this way you will be able to rest much better.

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