Good foods to strengthen memory

Eating healthy and balanced is good for both your physical health and your mental health. The brain requires a series of nutrients as it happens with other organs of the body such as the heart or the lungs. Next I am going to show you a series of foods that will help you to have your mind in perfect condition.

Foods that will help you strengthen your memory 

Whole grains. The brain needs energy to function, as is the case with other parts of the body. An active and developed mind depends on the energy it constantly receives. A good choice is whole grains, which provide enough energy that the brain needs.

Blue Fish. These foods are an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids, which are very beneficial for brain activity, heart and joints. Salmon, trout, and sardines are the perfect fish to keep your mind healthy and in perfect condition.

Tomatoes. Lycopene is a potent antioxidant found in tomatoes. This substance protects brain cells from the development of diseases such as dementia or Alzheimer’s.

Pumpkin seeds. A few pumpkin seeds a day will provide you with the necessary amount of zinc to improve memory and keep your mind totally healthy.

Broccoli. This vegetable is a great source of vitamin K, ideal for improving cognitive function and improving the intellectual capacity of the brain.

Walnuts. This dried fruit is very rich in vitamin E, which is why it is a highly recommended food for the elderly, since its intake helps prevent cognitive deterioration.

blueberries. According to some studies, the consumption of blueberries can be effective in improving or delaying short-term memory loss, so it is highly advisable to include this food in your daily diet.

All these foods will help you keep your mind in perfect condition and strengthen your memory.

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