High heels are bad for your health

It is difficult not to succumb to the dictates of fashion, especially when the proposals that come to us make us highlight our beauty. That is why sometimes we cannot avoid getting on those very high heels that seem to have just come off a catwalk. And it is that the heel stylizes our figure, embellishes the legs, makes us appear taller and surrounds us with an aura of sophistication that is difficult to give up. But the truth is that heels of more than 4 cm. they are bad for health.

Risks of wearing a heel

Surely more than once you have noticed the consequences of wearing heels for hours. You get home and run to take off your most glamorous shoes to change them for some sneakers, because the fatigue caused by heels is twice as much as if you were wearing a normal shoe. Many times we also find wounds, more or less large, depending on the time we have spent on our heels and little by little those unpleasant calluses begin to appear.

But apart from the more obvious discomfort of high heels and the inevitable foot pain, wearing a heel that is too high can cause other health hazards. The appearance of varicose veins is one of the consequences of wearing heels due to the malfunction of the circulatory system. The risk of sprains and muscle problems in the legs is also increased.

And also, spinal problems may appear due to the incorrect body posture that we are forced to adopt when we wear heels. For this reason, the use of high heels is not recommended in children under 18 years of age, until the development of the bones has not completely finished.

Why are high heels bad?

The discomfort of heels is obvious, as is also the reason for their dangers to health. And it is that the heels modify the natural distribution of the weight of the body. The feet are prepared to support the weight of our body if the proportion of 70% of the weight in the heel and 30% in the front part is respected. When you wear a high heel, what happens is that these proportions are reversed.

Experts say that the use of flat shoes is not good for the health of our feet either and they establish 2 cm. the ideal height of any shoe. They also warn us to follow fashion trends in footwear, especially when it comes to high-heeled and narrow shoes. In any case, if you don’t want to give up your vertigo heels, you can at least consider the idea of ​​wearing them for less time. And try to always have low shoes on hand for when you can’t stand them.

There is no shortage of those who are capable of undergoing surgery to be able to wear heels without any pain, but if you do not dare to take that risk, you can choose to wear a wider heel and better if it is accompanied by a platform. So your feet will suffer less and you can continue to be up to the task.

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