The excess of uric acid in our bloodstream causes this substance to concentrate in certain locations in the body, especially in the joints, generating a kind of crystals -called urate- that generate pain from strong inflammation.
As we have said, this anomaly frequently affects small joints such as the toes or fingers, although it can also occur at the junction points of other bones. If not stopped in time, it is a problem that can lead to more serious pathologies such as gout. Apart from the pertinent visit to the family doctor, we can complement the specialist’s advice with a few home remedies.
Stop excess uric acid with home remedies
- The first home remedy that we must carry out to stop the advance of excess uric acid is to control our diet. If this problem occurs in our body, we will have to eliminate certain products from our food routine that can increase uric acid levels. This is the case of red meat, alcohol, carbonated water-based drinks, offal or shellfish. In the same way, it is absolutely essential to drink a lot of water since our body expels this toxin through urine.
- A classic home remedy when it comes to lowering uric acid levels in our body is to mix 30 grams of cranberries in a liter of cold water, heat the mixture and keep it boiling for a period of three minutes. Once the infusion has rested for ten minutes, we will have to strain the liquid and take three doses throughout the day. We can also mix a tablespoon of soybean oil with three drops of rosemary oil to apply as a massage on the affected joint.
- Another of the great home tricks to reduce the impact of uric acid on the joints is the consumption of artichokes. This vegetable has diuretic properties that will help eliminate this toxin through urine. In the same sense we can also use onions, apples and even strawberries.