How many years will you live? The lines on your wrist tell you

Palm reading, also known as palmistry, originates from Indian culture. Over the years, this method has made it possible to interpret or know the fate of people through the line of the hands, even forming letters or words with said lines. This time we are going to put the palm of the hand aside to focus on the lines that are drawn on the inside of the wrist and that are located right at the intersection that separates the hand and the arm. Did you know that the lines on your wrist will tell you how many years you will live? 

The great secret that the lines of your wrist keep

We are going to give you some keys so that you know how to interpret those lines on your wrist:

  • Most of the lines represent a long life, while the broken lines relate to health problems or difficulties in that person’s life.
  • The number of lines you have is also associated with the number of years you will live. How many more lines, more years of life await you.
  • Now look at what the first one looks like: is it intact or broken? If it is whole and perfectly marked, it represents 30-40 years of life. Regarding the second line, it indicates 40-60 years of life. The third speaks of 70-90 years, and the fourth and last, more than 90, even exceeding 100. In general, most people have two or three lines and few have the fourth.

The meaning of each line of your wrist

  • The first line is the most important of all. If it is seen clearly and appears very marked and deep, it means that you will enjoy very good health and physical strength. On the contrary, if it is barely noticeable, it is a symptom that that person is very neglected and neglected and hardly cares about taking care of his diet or being in shape.
  • If we make a distinction by sex, certain health problems can be determined through this first line. For example, women who have a ruptured vein often have difficulties getting pregnant. In the case of men, it indicates problems with the prostate and the male reproductive system.
  • The second represents wealth, prosperity and happiness in that person’s life.
  • As for the third, it is related to fame and popularity. If she is straight and with hardly any gaps, it also means that that person exerts a great influence on those around her.
  • Finally, the fourth is closely linked to the previous one and reinforces its power.
  • It is incredible to think that in this part of our body, to which we do not usually pay much attention, there are small hidden clues that reveal mysterious secrets about our future. 

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