Low back pain, one of the major causes of work absenteeism

Low back pain is one of the most frequent ailments today and the second to cause work absenteeism after the common cold.

This has been stated by traumatology experts at the Viamed Hospital in Seville, within the scope of the conferences of the III Edition of the Health Classroom in the Andalusian capital.

Low back pain in society

Specialists confirm that pain in the lumbar region, which is sometimes called kidney pain, has a very high incidence in the population, affecting 8 out of 10 Spaniards once in their lives.

In addition, they recalled that this discomfort is the most common cause when it comes to physically limiting those under 45 years of age.

Causes of low back pain

Our way of life is behind the largest number of cases of low back pain. A sedentary lifestyle, the lack of physical exertion, as well as a poor diet that leads to being overweight, are some of the triggering factors.

Bad habits should also be included when it comes to sitting down or doing housework and the always harmful tobacco.

Remedies against low back pain

  • Pain and inflammation in the lower back can be effectively treated at home, but cases caused by injuries or diseases such as herniated discs should be treated by specialists.
  • According to recommendations from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Cardiovascular Accidents of the United States, pain in the lower back can be relieved by applying hot and cold compresses and taking analgesics or anti-inflammatories.
  • In addition, you should rest between 1 and 2 days and regularly perform exercises that strengthen the back muscles, such as Pilates or swimming. You can also go to physiotherapy sessions.

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