Osteoporosis: how to take care of our bones

Osteoporosis is the most common bone disease and especially affects women over 50 years of age. It is a deterioration of the bone mass due to a lack of minerals that causes the fragility of the bone with the consequent risk of fracture.

Although this disease generally manifests itself after the menopause, the truth is that its prevention should begin in childhood. Following a diet rich in calcium is essential to prevent the onset of osteoporosis, as well as physical exercise.

Causes and symptoms of osteoporosis

  • The main cause of osteoporosis is the decrease in estrogen that occurs during menopause, so it is very important to pay special attention to strengthening the health of our bones at this stage of our lives. But there are other causes that, to a lesser extent, can cause the appearance of osteoporosis.
  • Being bedridden for a long time or taking certain medications can be causes of bone mass loss. People with a family history of osteoporosis deserve special attention, as well as women who suffer a prolonged absence of menstruation, which is known as amenorrhea. Smoking, alcohol and low body weight can also promote the development of osteoporosis.
  • The problem with detecting osteoporosis is that it does not present symptoms until the disease is already very advanced, which is why prevention is essential. The condition becomes apparent when bone pain, frequent fractures, neck pain, lumbago or even a decrease in height occur.

Treatment and prevention of osteoporosis

  • The treatment for osteoporosis is basically aimed at alleviating the effects of the disease and strengthening, as far as possible, the condition of the bones. Sometimes, some medication may be needed, but it is above all a change in lifestyle.
  • Taking calcium to strengthen bones and vitamin D, which helps our body absorb calcium, is an essential step to minimize the effects of osteoporosis. It is also recommended to practice physical exercise aimed at strengthening the bones, such as walking, dancing, tai chi or yoga.
  • In any case, it is important to reduce or eliminate the consumption of alcohol and tobacco and be aware of a possible fall. Fractures caused by domestic accidents are very frequent, so it is an area that deserves special care. Some tricks can help us avoid falls at home, such as having good lighting, removing slippery carpets, placing bars on the stairs and in the bathroom, and always wearing tight-fitting shoes.
  • There are also some medications that are used to treat osteoporosis and prevent possible fractures, but when vertebral crushing has occurred, it can no longer be reversed. Estrogens and calcium and vitamin D supplements are among the most effective treatments. Although in some cases, surgery is necessary to treat the intense pain caused by osteoporosis.
  • We always remember that maintaining healthy lifestyle habits from childhood is a key factor in preventing the onset of osteoporosis.

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