Pimples on the tongue: why do they appear?

They appear from one day to the next and become annoying, pimples on the tongue can affect both children and adults. They are very unpleasant and painful, although in most cases they are not dangerous to health and appear as a reaction or symptom indicative of something.

How to know if we have a grain on the tongue? You’ll know if you have it because they appear as a painful red bump, and often have a white or yellow “head.” You may not have heard much about them, but it’s more common than it seems, just behind the sores.

Causes of pimples on the tongue

It may be that the first thing that comes to mind when you see a bump on the tongue is why they occur. The reasons may be different, but here are some of the most common causes:

1 new foods

If the victims of these pimples are children or babies, it is possible that they appear if we have introduced a new spicy or acidic food to them. Your tongue is sensitive and may react somewhat to a new taste. The best thing in these cases is to observe it and tell the doctor what happened.

2 allergies

It is possible that we have developed an intolerance or allergy to some foods. If this is the case, our body will react and, as a consequence, pimples will appear on the tongue. The most indicated thing is to write down what has been eaten in the last days and go to the allergist so that he can do the appropriate tests.

3 Bad nutrition

deficiency in some vitamins or excess fat in our meals can favor the appearance of pimples on the tongue, as well as on the skin. To find out if this is the reason, it is best to perform some tests and follow a healthy diet rich in vegetables, fruits and legumes.

4 viral infections

If we have caught a virus, this may be a reason why our tongue is filled with pimples. We are talking about the flu or oral herpes, which can come to light due to a drop in defenses and can manifest itself in many ways: with sores on the lip, blisters on the gums or pimples on the tongue. The result is very uncomfortable red and white pimples that can last for a week or more.

5 bites

We have all bitten our tongues at some point. It hurts a lot, and it is usually said that afterwards: “all the bites go to the same place”. This may be a reason, although rare, for the appearance of pimples on the tongue. A very strong bite could cause pimples to come out.


It is the most extreme case. The human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause pimples on the tongue, usually on the back and in the throat area. If you suspect that you may have been infected, see a doctor as soon as possible.

The best treatment for pimples on the tongue

  • Contrary to what our natural impulse leads us to do, never try to pop a pimple off your tongue. All you’ll do is cause yourself a lot of pain and cause bacteria to spread throughout your mouth.
  • You can help yourself with salt, lemon and drink a lot of water, avoid acids and spicy foods and gargle with warm water. However, the most important thing is to go to the doctor and find the cause that has caused them, since if we do not do so they will continue to appear and/or worsen instead of putting an end to the situation.

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