Red eyes, natural remedies to cure them

Red and irritated eyes are a common ailment in our day to day. Whether due to allergic reactions, lack of sleep or abuse of computers, the truth is that the eyes often require special care and attention.

In general, red eyes do not imply major complications, but they can become a nuisance at work or in our daily routine. With some tips and natural remedies you can relieve irritation and dry eyes.

Causes of red eyes 

  • The reasons that cause the redness of the eyes are varied. In spring times pollen allergies are the main trigger of the problem. Other types of allergies can affect the eyes the rest of the year, for example to dust or animals.
  • The abuse of new technologies such as computers or tablets also cause eye irritation. An example of this excess is the United States, where Internet users spend an average of 32 hours a month online, apart from the time spent on jobs that require a PC.
  • Lack of sleep, tobacco smoke, different infections or the misuse of contact lenses and cosmetics are other factors that cause the appearance of red eyes.

Natural remedies for red eyes

  • One of the most used remedies are tea bags and chamomile. For this, an infusion must be prepared and, once cold, apply a couple of drops in the eyes several times a day. It is also effective for tired eyesight or for the hygiene of eyelids and eyelashes.
  • Carrots are also beneficial for this discomfort. You simply have to cook this vegetable and, when it cools down, place a few slices on the eyelids to relieve the symptoms of redness. If the discomfort is due to allergy problems, use specific cold compresses for it.

Red eyes from conjunctivitis 

  • Irritated and red eyes can be the product of conjunctivitis, that is, a contagious infection usually caused by bacteria or viruses. Viral conjunctivitis heals on its own, but bacterial conjunctivitis sometimes requires antibiotics prescribed by a specialist.
  • There are also some natural remedies to relieve eye redness caused by these infections. In addition to tea bags or chamomile, you can apply a calendula solution in water with a cotton pad for 10 minutes. Similarly, a few drops of milk and honey solution cause a feeling of relaxation, thanks to the antibacterial abilities of honey.

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