Relaxing tea bath to revitalize the body

Many cultures around the world know the benefits of tea, especially when we consume it in the form of an infusion, either hot or cold. But few women have tried a revitalizing bath with water flavored with little tea bags. Some say that the secret was revealed by the barbarian tribes that populated the old and pagan Europe, others assure that it was stolen from the indigenous cultures that inhabited America before the discovery. But whatever the origin, the truth is that tea baths help restore the natural balance of the skin, combat heat and have an undeniable relaxing effect on the human body.But it is not just any tea, each herb has its properties and they can heal as well as hurt you if used blindly. Here we propose a treatment that does not last more than 10 or 20 minutes and is ideal after a day of intense work.

Preparation of a relaxing tea bath

A short list of what you will need for the bath:
1/4 cup of mint or mint leaves
1/4 cup of chamomile
1/4 cup of green tea
1/4 cup of oatmeal (unsweetened)
6 drops of lavender essential oil
6 drops of Neroli essential oil
1 aromatic candle
1 natural sponge

  • Cut and mix the herbs. Pour them into a liter of water that has just been boiled but removed from the heat -therein lies the difference between infusion or tea and cooking-. If you prefer, you can make a bunch with the herbs and place it inside a fine cotton cloth bag. You can also use the herbs loose and then strain them.
  • Fill the bathtub with lukewarm water and add the essential oils, tea and oats.
    Light the scented candle and if you feel like it, put on your favorite music.
  • Soak in the tub and inhale the vapors from the herbs and oils. Gently scrub your skin with the sponge and stay in the water for as long as your body demands and your schedule allows. Remember that the water should not be too hot to help balance the skin.

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