Reusing needles, a danger for diabetics

The economic crisis affects the health of citizens and can be a serious danger for diabetics due to the bad practice of reusing needles.

The Federation of Diabetics of Spain (FEDE) has warned health institutions of the need to stop this negative practice that can aggravate the symptoms of diabetes.

Recommendation of the Ministry of Health

  • As recalled by the president of the FEDE, Angel Cabrera, from the Spanish Ministry of Health the message was launched in 2011 to avoid recycling needles.
  • But a year later, and in the middle of the debate over the cuts in health matters, said Ministry launched a practical guide in which it was recommended to reuse needles up to four times.
  • The Federation has demanded that the health authorities clarify their position on the matter and that they prohibit what they consider a dangerous practice. In addition, experts have warned that only three Autonomous Communities provide a sufficient number of needles.

Needle reuse issues

  • The FEDE itself has launched a campaign to raise awareness among the 3.5 million diabetics diagnosed in Spain of the importance of using insulin needles on a single occasion.
  • As they have indicated, the needles can deteriorate due to continued use, cause skin injuries when losing sterility or fragment within the skin. They also confirm that reuse affects the amount of insulin delivered, which can lead to hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. 

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