Rheumatism: positive effects of summer and recommendations

There are many benefits that summer has on patients with rheumatic diseases, a disease that affects 1 in 4 people in Spain. According to the Spanish Society of Rheumatology, summer has a favorable effect on patients with osteoporosis and muscle contractures. You want to know why?

Rheumatic diseases in summer

  • Summer is usually a more stable meteorological season, without sudden variations in atmospheric pressure. This means that people affected by some of the 250 rheumatic pathologies have fewer crises and less pain.
  • The effect of the sun is also beneficial, which favors the ability to synthesize vitamin D. Do not forget that vitamin D is essential to improve the condition of bones and muscles. For this reason, in summer, fractures in the elderly are reduced and the state of health of those affected by osteoporosis improves considerably.
  • Heat is another of the key factors in improving the symptoms of these diseases, since it dilates the blood vessels, which is why certain rheumatic pathologies, pain, inflammation and contractures improve at this time of year.
  • Although most rheumatic diseases improve in summer, it is patients with systemic lupus erythematous who need to be more careful in summer. Solar radiation can also activate an outbreak and cause reactions such as skin rashes, fever, fatigue or joint pain. That is why it is very important that those affected avoid sunbathing.

Travel with rheumatism

  • Due to the difficulty of movement and the pain that different rheumatic diseases sometimes present, patients can suffer certain problems during their vacation trips. From the Spanish Society of Rheumatology they guide on the recommendations to follow so that the patients can reduce the inconveniences of the trip.
  • For a rheumatic patient it is essential to plan the trip to the maximum, since walking a lot, carrying suitcases, using uncomfortable transport, etc., can worsen their symptoms.
  • It would be advisable for the patient to notify the travel agency or transport company of his illness so that they can provide him with the necessary comforts. One trick is to avoid peak days and peak hours and choose direct flights on days when fewer people travel. Carrying the medications by hand and a report of your situation in case you have to go to another doctor is essential.
  • It is better not to overdo your luggage due to the difficulty involved in transporting it, but you should not miss loose clothing or comfortable shoes.
  • During the trip and at stops, if any, it is important to perform the recommended stretching exercises to avoid joint pain.
  • The most important thing when traveling is that the person affected by a rheumatic disease is aware of their limitations and plans a trip according to their physical abilities. And it does not hurt that before deciding the destination, consult your doctor if you require a special diet, or if the climate you are going to may be detrimental to you.

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