Rumors end when they reach intelligent people

Rumor, gossip or urban legend. It is that information that is not verified, that has fantastic and even uncertain overtones but that, inexplicably, everyone wants to tell and goes by word of mouth. When this series of details, which have to do with a specific matter, with someone in particular, or with a situation, goes from one to another, only one type of person is the one that stops it: the intelligent one.

Smart people stop gossip

  • Many times, gossip or rumors are aimed at discrediting someone. They may be unfounded by people who all they want is to hurt who these urban legends are directed at, or simply want to gossip with the victim as the protagonist. Other times, the information that is false does not have someone as the focus of attention, but something, usually with a negative or alarmist background behind it.
  • What to do when a rumor or urban legend reaches our ears? Although we may be tempted to tell an intimate, to add details to the story in question, or simply to hear more and more of the story, the wisest course is to end the gossip. For this reason, the smartest people assess the situation, calculate the emotional damage that can be done to the person being talked about, and know that nothing good can come of it. Transparency and integrity are at stake.

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