The benefits of singing in the shower

Come on admit it. You also sing in the shower, with better or worse results. And if you don’t, you should start training your throat because it’s good for your health. Become a music artist every day and make your headphone your microphone. These are the benefits of singing in the shower.

The benefits of singing in the shower

  • First of all, the shower is the ideal place to sing because nobody listens to you, or that’s what you think. Your cooing sounds are safe from prying ears thanks to the noise of the falling water and the fact that you usually close the door. Also, unless you are lucky enough to live alone, this is possibly one of the only times of the day when you do not have company , so no one will judge or comment on your artistic skills.
  • But you also usually sing in the shower because you feel like you’re in your little private space, comfortable and warm. It is the moment in which you leave your mind blank and disconnect from the world that exists outside your bathroom. You are so comfortable that your brain releases dopamine, which brings out your most creative side.
  • Singing in the shower also has great psychological benefits, since endorphins and oxytocin are released, the hormones that produce pleasure and relaxation. Singing, in addition to improving your mood, trains your breathing capacity and exercises some of the muscles in your face and abdomen.
  • To all this we must add that listening to music relaxes, improves mood and makes you feel goodTherefore, when you sing in the shower, you relax and release the stress of everyday life. Faced with this situation, who wouldn’t want to play a song?
  • Also, have you noticed that your voice sounds better when you sing in the bathroom? It’s not your imagination, its science. The acoustics of your shower make it the best stage you can imagine. The tiles bounce the sound, so all the waves stay inside the shower and give you the feeling that you have a louder voice. But also, the reverberation, that is to say the brief time that the sound remains after being emitted, is excellent and acts as a sounding board of 10.
  • As for the songs that we usually sing in the shower, the most tiresome ones that you can’t get out of your head triumph. Even if you don’t like them very much, you will surprise yourself humming to them. Surely after reading this post, you will want to increase your repertoire of songs to sing in the shower.

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