The benefits of Tai Chi

Tai Chi, also written as tai chi, is an ancient discipline that combines martial arts and meditation. This discipline was born in ancient China as a technique for self-defense. Nowadays, people use Tai Chi more as an exercise to improve their well-being and relax than as a martial art. And it is that the benefits of Tai Chi in health have made it become a very popular type of exercise.

What is Tai Chi and how is it done?

  • Tai Chi consists of different routines that are performed at a smooth and harmonious rhythm, combining breathing and balance in each movement. Each posture leads to another, and in this way the body is in constant motion. It is important to note that there are different styles of Tai Chi and that each style varies from the others, with changes often found at the beginning and end of the movements.
  • Some styles of Tai Chi seek to relax the body to take care of health while other styles are more focused on self-defense and martial arts. As a consequence of these variations, Tai Chi consists of more than 100 different movements and positions. Although the intensity of Tai Chi varies depending on the form or style being practiced, most exercises are gentle and suitable for everyone.
  • In this way, anyone can practice it regardless of their age or physical ability.

What are the benefits and advantages of Tai Chi?

The Tai Chi discipline can be an ideal complement to other sports or it can be a complete training discipline in itself. In any of the cases, we will be able to enjoy the advantages that this discipline offers us in different areas.

The psychological benefits of Tai Chi

Tai Chi is based on meditation. Meditation helps calm the mind and focus the senses on the present. In this way, a person manages to forget about daily worries. Tai Chi reduces stress, improves self-esteem and self-confidence.

How Tai Chi helps physical well-being

Some styles of Tai Chi will make you work yourself up a sweat. With the regular practice of Tai Chi, the body gains strength and flexibility. The movements get the blood to flow to the extremities, an aspect that significantly improves circulation. The fact of activating circulation prevents the appearance of varicose veins and cellulite.

Tai Chi helps you strengthen your body

  • Experts claim that Tai Chi practice can increase the body’s natural resistance to disease, provide energy, and improve internal organ function by strengthening the immune system. The gentle movements are ideal for people with joint problems, and the poses improve strength in the spine.
  • The practice of Tai Chi strengthens the legs, conditions the tendons and ligaments of the ankles, knees and hips, increasing the range of motion and making our joints more resistant and less prone to injury. Tai Chi has been considered for centuries as one of the best exercise routines for all ages for its support for physical health.

Achieve balance thanks to Tai Chi

Tai Chi can help you achieve balance in several areas:

Recover emotional balance

Tai Chi reduces the level of some stress hormones, and thanks to this, your body and mind will begin to rest thanks to the state of tranquility that you achieve through the practice of Tai Chi.

How to restore functional balance

Tai Chi improves balance, which reduces the risk of falls, the leading cause of injury-related death in older adults. Tai Chi movements place great importance on weight transfer, which is an essential component of good balance.

Tai Chi and respiratory well-being

Ta Chi increases the oxygen level and relieves breathing difficulties. Slow, deep, regular breathing, together with movement, combine to fill the deepest tissues with oxygen.

Tai Chi and self-esteem

Tai Chi also improves our self-esteem and self-confidence. It is an ideal discipline to be practiced by hyperactive kids, because it helps to calm their mind. It is also very appropriate for shy children, as it increases their confidence. Tai Chi gives more importance to technique than to strength. In fact, since it is a low-impact routine, it is especially suitable for older adults and people with obesity problems.

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