Suffering gas is something completely normal and that most people suffer from. The main causes of these digestive problems are usually due to the intolerance of some foods or the difficulty in digesting them perfectly. Next I am going to show you some foods that tend to produce gas and that you must eliminate from your diet if you want the problem to disappear.
Foods that produce gas
- Vegetables. The sugar present in some vegetables can cause intestinal gas. Some of these gas-producing vegetables are onions, artichokes, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, or peas.
- Fruit. Some kinds of fruit contain sorbitol, a type of sugar that produces excess gas. Examples of fruits that contain sorbitol are plums, apples or pears. Avoid as far as possible its intake and end in this way with gas problems in your stomach.
- Starchy foods. Starch is a substance rich in carbohydrates and whose intake can cause digestive problems. These foods include, among others, bread, pasta, cereals and potatoes. As an exception, it is worth highlighting rice, which despite containing a large amount of starch, does not because gas formation in the stomach.
- Milk and dairy products. These types of foods contain lactose, a type of sugar that is very prone to causing gas in the stomach. So apart from avoiding milk, you should be especially careful with cheese, yogurt or ice cream.
- Oatmeal. This cereal is very fashionable nowadays because it has few calories and is very rich in fiber. However, oats are one of the foods that can cause intestinal gas. Try to take this cereal in small amounts to continue benefiting from all its properties.
- The drinks. The intake of this type of beverage can lead to gas formation in the stomach. The reason is found in the excess of fructose that these types of drinks carry and that give rise to a type of very annoying gas.
- If you suffer from gas, you just have to avoid this type of food and your stomach problems will disappear forever.