What foods to eat to have strong nails

Food plays a fundamental role both inside and outside the body. A poor and unbalanced diet causes your health to worsen and parts of your body such as hair or nails to be in poor condition. With an adequate diet that has the necessary nutrients, you can have completely healthy and strong nails and prevent them from growing weak and in poor condition. Next I will show you a series of foods that will help you have strong nails.

The best foods to have strong nails

  • Red meat. Red meat is a food rich in protein and iron, which is really beneficial for the health of your nails. If you have poor iron levels it is normal for your nails to be weak and break easily. It is not necessary to eat red meat every day as it is high in saturated fat and this can lead to future health problems. It is best to eat meat once a week.
  • Blueberries. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants that help protect the body’s cells against free radicals. In this way you will have perfectly healthy nails that will grow without problems.
  • Almonds. This excellent dried fruit is a good source of protein and magnesium which helps to maintain healthy and strong nails. A lack of magnesium in your body causes your nails not to grow healthy and break easily.
  • Milk. Milk cannot be missing from your daily diet if you want to have strong nails and in perfect condition. Vitamin D and calcium in milk help strengthen nails.
  • Eggs. Eggs are an excellent source of protein, vitamin D and biotin, this substance helps raise keratin levels in the body and thus make nails grow healthy and strong.

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