What is restless legs syndrome?

Have you ever noticed for several days in a row that your legs weigh more than necessary? You could suffer from restless legs syndrome. This type of fatigue is one of the most unpleasant discomforts that you can come across in your day to day, but you can avoid it or at least alleviate it by following some tips. To learn a little more about it, we turned to the guide of the Spanish Society of Community Pharmacy (SEFAC). Find out what restless legs syndrome is and if you suffer from it.

Find out what restless leg syndrome is

  • Restless legs syndrome occurs when the circulatory system in the legs is not working well. If the blood stagnates, the veins dilate, or fluid leaks into the tissues, swelling and heaviness occur, which causes restless legs syndrome.
  • This affects between 20 and 30% of the adult population and is more common in women, who suffer from it 5 times more than men. As age advances, there is also a greater probability of suffering from it: those over 50 years of age are affected by 50% more.
  • SEFAC recommend going to a pharmacist in the early stages of the syndrome because he or she can advise you on how to prevent it. If the discomfort increases, you will have to go to the doctor.

Tired legs syndrome: symptoms

The discomfort could worsen when the woman is pregnant, during menstruation, while taking oral contraceptives or undergoing hormone replacement treatments. If you have these symptoms, you could be suffering from restless legs syndrome.

  • Feeling of heaviness in the legs.
  • Swelling in the lower limbs that gets worse when you stand for a long time without moving too much and that is better when you lie down, when moving and with the cold.
  • Leg pain.
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Pruritus or frequent itching.
  • Tingling and/or stiffness.
  • Edemas by the legs, that is to say, appearance of soft swelling.
  • Nocturnal paresthesia’s, that is, a feeling of numbness in the legs.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Fatigue.

Tired legs syndrome: causes

There are certain factors that predispose you to restless leg syndrome. These are the non-avoidable causes that can lead you to suffer from it:

  • As you get older, you are more likely to suffer from it.
  • There is also a genetic predisposition, that is, having a family history that has suffered from it influences.
  • Diseases that you may have suffered before may be the cause of your tired legs syndrome, such as a previous circulatory problem.
  • Flat feet can also predispose to restless legs syndrome since it decreases muscle contraction during walking.
  • On the other hand, there are other factors that you can overcome by changing your habits or avoiding certain behaviors.
  • A sedentary lifestyle, but also standing for a long time, prolonged exposure to heat, risky professions, etc. All this favors the dilation and slow circulation of blood in the veins.
  • Being overweight could hinder the effectiveness of the leg muscle pump.
  • Constipation and pregnancy increase abdominal pressure and, therefore, can predispose you to restless legs syndrome.
  • Clothing that is too tight around the waist or legs could slow the return of blood to the heart.
  • There are hormonal therapies, such as oral contraception and hormone replacement therapy that can cause this syndrome.

Tired legs syndrome: treatment

Do not hesitate to go to a professional to treat your tired legs, since he will be able to advise you on the most appropriate treatment for your particular case. These are the different types of procedures that SEFAC proposes.

  • Compressive Therapy. In this type of treatment, bandages or compression stockings are used to exert pressure on certain points on the legs.
  • Phototherapy. It is about using different types of medicinal plants that improve blood circulation. Some such as horse chestnut, butcher’s broom, red vine, gotu kola, etc. are usually used.
  • Hydrotherapy. This therapy tries to use showers and massages of cold water, alternated with warm, to stimulate the legs.
  • Drug therapy. A professional can advise you on different drugs to improve tired legs syndrome.
  • Vascular surgery. In some cases, a doctor may determine that vascular surgery is necessary.

Tired legs syndrome: tips to prevent it

Tired legs syndrome can be prevented and, if you already suffer from it, can be alleviated. Follow the tips below to reduce discomfort.

  • Keep your legs elevated, above your heart, to improve circulation. Do it for 30 minutes between 2 and 3 times a day. You better not cross your legs
  • Sleep with your legs slightly elevated between 10 and 20 cm. To do this, place some pillows or cushions under your feet.
  • Avoid sources of heat such as stoves, radiators, or excessive exposure to the sun.
  • Try to get some exercise every day because your legs will appreciate the movement. SEFAC advises you to walk, swim or cycle for at least 30-60 minutes a day.
  • If you have to spend a lot of time standing up for your routine, do small exercises that do not require much effort. Stand on your toes several times in a row, walk on your heels…
  • Avoid clothing that is too tight and socks with very tight elastic bands. To avoid tired legs syndrome, wear loose clothing and breathable materials.
  • It is also better to wear wide and very comfortable shoes. Heels are inadvisable.
  • Take a healthy and balanced diet to avoid overweight and constipation.

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