What your lips reveal about your health

Your body sends you signals and it is your mission to know how to understand them. One of the ways he uses to let you know that something is not right are his lips. You can use them to talk, to smile, to kiss… and also to know how everything is going inside. This is all that your lips reveal about your health. Run to look in the mirror!

This is what your lips reveal about your health

If you have very dry lips

  • Extreme dryness on the lips indicates that you need more hydration. In these cases, it is advisable to use cocoa or some other product, but you must also drink water or another liquid. In the event that dehydration is severe, it will be necessary to see a health professional.
  • Lip dryness can also be caused by excessive exposure to the sun. Just as you apply a sun cream to the skin of the face and body, it is advisable to use lip balms with a protection factor.
  • On the other hand, if you are one of those who cannot avoid sucking on your lips all the time, you should take into account that the saliva may be drying you out.

If you have swollen lips

  • If you notice that your lips are swollen at certain times of the day, turn on the alert signal. Something could be giving you an allergy or you could be intolerant to something, especially if in addition to the swelling you feel some itching, pain or burning. It is also common for some redness to appear around the lips. The best solution is to pay a little attention to when and how it occurs.
  • For example, if you start to feel an uncomfortable sensation after eating a certain food, you could have an intolerance to it. But if it is after applying a specific lipstick, it could contain an ingredient that does not suit you. You’d better avoid it. If you consider it appropriate, see a doctor to advise you on what to do.

When a cold sore appears

Cold sores can appear due to factors such as fatigue, stress, a wound in the mouth, menstruation, a drop in defenses… When they begin to appear, they usually produce a tingling sensation, internal inflammation or burning. There are a wide variety of home remedies that work better or worse for each person, but there are also products in pharmacies that promote healing.

If you have cracks on the lips and around

The cracks on the lips and in the areas near the mouth can be very painful and can appear due to a lack of nutrients. For example, a lack of iron can cause cells not to regenerate fast enough, leading to these tiny breaks in the skin. You must also make sure that your diet includes enough intake of all kinds of vitamins such as B or A that will help you to be much healthier. If you think you might have lip fungus, see a dermatologist.

If your lips have a strange color

Lip color can vary from person to person, but if your shade is too weird, you could have a health problem. For example, if your lips tend to be a little bluish or grayish, it could be a sign that you have some anemia or lack of iron. On the other hand, very pale lips can be a sign that you are lacking nutrients in your diet or that some internal organ is having a hard time functioning. On the other hand, you should keep in mind that tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption can cause lips to change color.

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