Exercises for women by age

Physical activity is life. We women know that moving, exercising, is good for our health, but we don’t always put it into practice. To encourage us to practice sport regularly, the World Health Organization (WHO) created in 2002 the World Day of Physical Activity that is celebrated on April 6, coinciding with another more established date: World Health Day.

One of the excuses for not exercising is usually age. But we must know that at each age we can carry out an appropriate type of physical activity. The body does not respond in the same way at 20 or 50 years of age, which is why it is important to adapt sports habits to our age.

Between the ages of 18 and 30, the body is young and is at its maximum levels of resistance and elasticity. It is the best time to perform sacrificial sports, to shape the body and gain muscle. Running, spinning and all kinds of aerobic exercises are the most appropriate at this age.

Between the ages of 30 and 40, the body needs to continue with physical activity but it is convenient to do it in a more moderate way in terms of intensity and for a longer period of time. That is, if you go for a run, run slower, but for longer. In this way, in addition to burning fat, you will strengthen the resistance of your heart.

Exercises for mature women

  • Between the ages of 40 and 50, the main objective of women who practice physical exercise is to delay aging and maintain their muscle tone. For this, exercises in water are exceptional, be it swimming or the different modalities of aerobic exercises in water: aqua tone, aqua gym, aqua cycling, etc. It is also highly recommended, from the age of 40, to take constant walks, to strengthen physical resistance.
  • After the age of 50, our body does not respond in the same way. We begin to suffer the ravages of age and we must take extreme precautions so as not to injure ourselves when we perform physical activity. It is important in this age group to encourage exercises that help us maintain the coordination and mobility of our entire body. Walking at a brisk pace and performing gentle gymnastic exercises regularly is the most appropriate for this age group.

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