A few years ago, the typical home remedy when someone was not feeling well was to have a glass of sherry “for the heart”. Nobody knew if the heart was an excuse to indulge in this whim but, just in case, we recommend replacing alcohol with one of these home remedies.
Espino albar, the white miracle
this beautiful plant, with white flowers and small red fruit, is a true gift for the heart. It balances blood pressure, both high and low, normalizes the heart rate and is very useful in cases of vanal irregularities of the heart.
It is prepared by adding two teaspoons of hawthorn leaves or flowers to a cup of boiling water and letting it rest for 15 minutes. It is filtered and two to three cups of this infusion are taken a day.
Garlic, with all my heart
it’s not the first time he’s been talked about and probably won’t be the last either. And it is that garlic is one of the best friends of the heart. Not only does it lower bad cholesterol, but it also reduces the possibility of thrombi forming in blood vessels.
Take a clove of garlic a day (if you don’t like it raw you can eat it blanched) and you will do your heart a great favor. For those who can’t stand its taste and smell, it can also be taken in tablets. In this case, take two tablets a day