Your heart in winter

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. A fact that does not stop attracting attention, since most heart problems can be easily prevented by adopting a healthier lifestyle. Factors such as tobacco, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle are the main triggers for the most frequent heart disease, so its prevention becomes a matter of necessity.

The heart suffers more in winter

  • Given the high incidence of heart disease, it is necessary to raise awareness among the population so that they take the necessary preventive measures. Measures that become especially important in winter, since then cardiovascular conditions increase. According to the American Heart Association, data from a study conducted in seven places with totally different climates resulted in heart ailments worsening in winter, whether it is more or less cold.
  • In places as far away as California and Washington, the number of deaths from cardiovascular problems increased by 36% in the winter season. Heart attack, heart failure and stroke are the ailments that increase in winter because the cold impedes blood circulation and raises blood pressure. In addition, it seems that in winter we take less care of ourselves, with an unhealthy diet and we exercise less than in summer.

How to take care of your heart

This being the case, and since the heart is the engine of our body, it would not hurt if we paid a little more attention to that organ that gives us life and whose care requires very little effort on our part. And it is that the care of the heart is based on the 3 D: diet, sport and rest.

  • Diet is essential for heart care. A healthy and balanced diet reduces the risk of many cardiovascular diseases. Avoiding those foods that contain more fat to avoid cholesterol and so that blood circulation is carried out normally, is essential in the prevention of different heart diseases, as well as treating obesity, one of the main ills that affect health of the Spanish.
  • Sport must be included in any healthy lifestyle plan. It is not necessary to reach a competition level, but the usual practice of moderate physical exercise is enough. We know very well how physical exercise significantly improves our quality of life and it is enough to walk 30 minutes a day to begin to notice how our body reacts favorably. But the exercise that benefits our heart the most is swimming and aerobic exercises.
  • Rest is included as the third factor to take into account in the care of our heart. And it is that stress poses an added risk to our cardiovascular health. We know the importance of sleeping well to start the day more rested and also more relaxed. In any case, rest and learning to disconnect from problems are essential to reduce the negative effects of stress.

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