How important it is to sleep well, right? A good rest has remarkable benefits for your health, both mental and physical. And to sleep well and have an optimal rest, it is best to take into account some factors that influence it, such as the choice of mattress. In fact, the Association of Bed Manufacturers (Asocial) estimates that 32% of the population wakes up tired and with back pain, therefore it is essential to choose a mattress that suits the needs of each person.
In this article, we tell you why it is important to sleep well for your health and how to get a good rest with some tips and factors that you should take into account, such as choosing the mattresses that are best for you. Let’s see it!
Factors that influence when it comes to sleeping well and having a good rest
- Did you know that we spend a third of our lives sleeping? And that sleeping well has a positive influence on our health (mental and physical)? These reasons are enough for us to take into account some factors that influence when it comes to sleeping well, all of them within reach of our hands.
- First of all, it is very important to know how to choose a good mattress and a good pillow, since they act directly on our body. In addition, the temperature of the place where we sleep, the light or the noise that there is can make us sleep better or worse, depending on our conditions. For its part, the duration and time of our rest are also factors that we must take into account. If the combination of all these premises is positive, we can enjoy all the benefits of a good rest.
How to choose an optimal mattress to sleep well?
One of the main factors that influence a good rest is the choice of mattresses, as we said a few lines above. It must be taken into account that a mattress has a useful life of 8 to 10 years, and although it may seem to you that it is a very expensive object and you usually opt for the cheapest one, it is better to invest in one that suits your needs since that in the long term the benefits are multiple.
- In this sense, the brand of rest products Maxcolchon highlights some premises that we must take into account when choosing a mattress:
- The mattress must adapt to our body. For example, we must take our weight into account since the higher it is, the firmer the mattress will have to be.
- The mattress must adapt to our back to avoid the terrible morning back pain that many people suffer in their day to day.
- It must have the perfect texture and consistency to be able to rest and sleep all night without waking up, thus resting properly.
- We have to take into account the position we adopt during sleep to choose a mattress that suits us. It is also important the level of firmness and breathability of the same.
Although it is true that all these recommendations are important, you can always consult a rest specialist to help you choose the most suitable mattress for you.
Health benefits of a good rest
- Task completion, learning and memory are affected when we don’t sleep well. That is why it is important to have an optimal rest, among other things, because this will allow us to assimilate all the information collected throughout the day.
- Sleeping properly also influences the production of hormones that make us feel good. In fact, when we don’t sleep, stress-related hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, increase in the blood, thus raising blood pressure and heart rate.
- While we sleep, our body undergoes some processes that influence the proper functioning of the immune system as well as weight control.
- A good rest protects the heart. While we sleep, because we are relaxed, activity slows down and the circulatory system has less work to do. Therefore, it takes less effort for the heart to pump the blood.