The quiet power of gentle exercise

Summer is here and one of the aspects that many of us associate with this time and with vacations is rest. One of the objectives of the holidays is to rest body and mind from the daily stress of a whole year.

  • Many of us look for and get this rest lying on the beach or stretched out on a sofa in our house, without the obligation to look at the clock every moment as we do the rest of the year. The reality is that after a year of work, this is what many of us need. But resting does not necessarily mean lying down all day and doing some relaxing exercises may be the best way to achieve this goal.
  • Three exercises that can help you achieve this are yoga, tai-chi and Pilates, which are three types of gymnastics that have numerous virtues to improve the physical and mental state of people. In addition, as they are gentle exercises that do not strain the joints, they are recommended for all ages, and help improve flexibility and balance. Each technique has unique elements, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

Yoga: body and mind

  • Yoga has multiple varieties, although probably the best known is Hatha Yoga. His practice is based on a series of postures called ‘asanas’ along with controlled breathing. Yoga protects the heart, since its practitioners have been shown to have the lowest blood pressure, the least amount of sugar and triglycerides in the blood, and the highest level of HDL (good cholesterol).
  • According to studies, it also promotes healthy eating habits, and people who practice it are less likely to gain weight. In addition, it allows you to control back pain or that caused by arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. It also regulates the rhythm of sleep in the elderly and its breathing exercises improve asthma and bronchitis.
  • It is best to do at least two weekly sessions with a qualified teacher. For a more intense workout, try Astana yoga, which changes positions quickly. For a softer version, try the Iyana, where the teacher will help you get into the position.

Tai Chi: a leisurely martial art

  • This discipline improves stability and balance, while managing to increase our defenses against diseases. Tai Chi helps slow down the progression of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and alleviates the pain of arthritis. A study has shown that Tai Chi can help cancer patients cope with the psychological effects of treatment.
  • If you want to practice Tai Chi, our advice is to practice for thirty minutes a day, preferably morning and night. Beginners can easily get started in the Wu Tai Chi variety, while those who want a more vigorous exercise can try Chen Tai Chi, which uses explosive movements. For those who prefer to enhance the meditation, we recommend Yang Tai Chi.

Pilates: stretch and strengthen

  • This type of gymnastics focuses on the abdominal muscles, and helps us improve our ability to concentrate by emphasizing breath control and awareness of one’s own body. It can also help us lose calories and improve our physical condition, since in an intermediate level Pilate’s session we can use the amount of energy equivalent to walking at a speed of 6 or 7 km/h.
  • If you want this type of gymnastics to be effective, try to do at least three sessions per week. Look for a qualified teacher who has at least a few years of experience. To burn more calories, move from one exercise to another without stopping.

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